Parent Handbook

Welcome, thank you for visiting our site. We hope to be given the privilege to work with your child. We truly believe this is the best preschool program available and are confident your child will have a very positive experience.

Angie’s Kinder Academy Mission:

  • To provide each child with a safe and secure
    learning environment.
  • To provide an educational plan designed to suit the unique needs of
    each child.
  • To help each child build self-esteem
    and self-confidence through
    positive reinforcement and love.

Enrollment Fee:

Angie’s Kinder Academy charges a yearly enrollment fee. This fee is due within 24 hours of enrollment and is non-refundable. The fee covers the cost of processing enrollment paperwork.

Supply/Curriculum Fee:

Angie’s Kinder Academy charges a yearly supply/curriculum fee. This fee is due prior to April 15th and is non-refundable. The fee covers the cost of supplies, curriculum and snacks.


Tuition is charged monthly from September 1st through May 1st.

Monthly tuition rates are calculated by taking the yearly tuition amount, which is based on the number of class days per year, and dividing it into 9 equal payments. Your child will not attend the same number of days per month.

Tuition options:

Tuition will be automatically deducted from the checking/credit card on file on the 1st of each month, unless you have made other arrangements.

  1. You may pay cash prior to the 1st of each month. Please be aware of school closures to avoid late payment charges if cash payments are made after the 1st of the month.
  2. You may pay tuition through your Brightwheel account prior to the 1st of each month.  Invoices pull from any credit before deducting from auto pay.
  3. You may prepay your child’s yearly tuition with cash, check, money order or credit card prior to September 1st.

A $20 fee will be charged for return payments and payments made after the 1st.  An additional $20 fee will be charged every 15 days late.  Continual missed payments may affect your child’s ability to attend class. 

Available Tuition Discounts:

  • Parent Volunteer Discount $10 per hour – Office $20 per hour – Substitute Teacher
  • Sibling Discount 10% off monthly tuition (per student)
  • Referral Discount (yearly)
    $20 off May tuition per documented referral
  • Prepayment Discount 3.5% off yearly tuition paid prior to
    September 1st

30-day Withdrawal Notice:

Angie’s Kinder Academy requires a 30-day written notice of withdrawal. If you need to withdraw your child, you will request, fill out and return the withdrawal form. Tuition will be charged through the 30 days and your child is welcome to attend.


Angie’s Kinder Academy uses photos taken in class and at school events for end of year class videos and other purposes.  Please be aware that your student may be in these photos, and you are giving Angie’s Kinder Academy permission to use photos.

Drop-off and Pick-up:

When you arrive for drop off, you will check your student in on Brightwheel and then wait in the lobby or outside. Teachers will open the secure door when it is time for class to begin.

When you arrive for pick up, you will check your student out on Brightwheel and then wait in the lobby or outside. Teachers will release students at the secure door, to their pickup person.

All pick up people must be on the list, have a pickup code and may be asked to provide ID.

To assist with parking, please do not arrive more than 5 minutes early to pick up or drop off.

If your child is picked up more than 5 minutes late, you will be charged a late pick up fee of $5 plus $1 per additional minute.


Please do not bring your child to school if they are ill (this includes runny noses and coughs). We work extremely hard to maintain a safe, healthy, clean, and sanitized environment for all children, and it is very difficult to do so if we have sick children attending. If your child is dropped off ill, you will be called to come and immediately pick them up.

Accidents & Injury:

Angie’s Kinder Academy and its affiliates cannot and will not be held responsible for injuries sustained because of participating in any aspect of our program. While we make every effort to provide a safe environment for your child, accidents do happen. We will notify you of any accident or injury that we become aware of during class and call you immediately if we feel it is serious. You assume all risk of injury or harm to your child associated with the participation in Angie’s Kinder Academy and agree to release and forever discharge Angie’s Kinder Academy from all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs and causes of action.

You give Angie’s Kinder Academy permission to seek medical care and transportation for your child in case of emergency.


Parents are strongly encouraged to take a proactive role in ensuring their children attend school, as concepts are built upon each day. Please notify the school of any absences through Brightwheel. If a child is absent, funds are not refunded for any missing days. We do not offer the option to switch days when your child is absent as we are at maximum capacity and would not be able to accommodate this.


It is our policy to promote a safe and orderly school environment for all students and employees. Accordingly, Angie’s Kinder Academy holds all students, employees, and other adults to the highest standards of behavior on school grounds and during school sponsored activities.


Teachers and admin will communicate frequently through the Brightwheel app. Please make sure you have the app downloaded and have your push notifications turned on. Teachers and admin can be contacted through the app or you may schedule an in person meeting.

To ensure that teachers can keep their complete focus on their students, they will not reply to messages during class hours. Replies will be sent prior to the end of the next school day. Please call if you need to speak with someone immediately.


Potty accidents are common for young children. Even if they have been potty trained for years, it is a good idea to be prepared. If your child has a potty accident at school, they will need to be able to change themselves into clean clothes or the teacher can call you or a designated contact to come and change them. Please keep a change of clothes in a baggie in your child’s backpack that they may change into if needed.

Inclement Weather:

If both Weber and Davis school districts cancel school or implement a late start, we will do the same. If one district does one of these things and the other does not, we will decide and send a Brightwheel message by 7 am the morning of the inclement weather. We always support your decision to keep your child home, if you feel it is not safe to go out in a storm.